3月14日 23時30分(日本時間)より ボード緊急ミーティングが行われましたのでお知らせいたします。
Hello All:
The TICA Board of Directors has concluded an emergency meeting and voted to take the following action:
Effective immediately, TICA will issue no new show licenses, and is canceling all existing show licenses, for shows between March 16, 2020 and April 30, 2020. TICA, through the respective Regional Directors, will personally work with each affected club to determine and help mitigate financial impacts on the club.
Please know that this decision did not come without much discussion and debate, just as your Board knows their decision will also cause discussion and debate.
If we look at our individual experiences in life, we will find that being a part of a family perhaps has brought us the most joy and at the same time perhaps the greatest stress and anguish. The challenge for the family is to move through the hard times together and come out even stronger. So, TICA family, we face a challenge. Personally, I’m confident that we can work through this and maintain both our own health and that of our hobby!
Vickie Fisher, President
For the TICA Board of Directors